Worldcon 2024

Worldcon 2024 Schedule

August 1, 2024 davidkeener 0

Come join me for Worldcon 2024, the World Science Fiction Convention, in Glasgow, Scotland from August 8 – 12! For various reasons, including, um, the Pandemic, I haven’t been to a Worldcon since Dublin in 2019, so I am BEYOND excited to be going. Come see me at the con!!!

Balticon - Maryland's best SF Convention

Balticon 2024 Schedule

May 21, 2024 davidkeener 0

My schedule for Balticon 2024 is now available. I’ll be running one of my workshops, plus I’ve got nine other panels, including three that will be available exclusively for the Virtual Track. Come enjoy Balticon with me!

Comic Logic's Spring Lot Con 2024

Appearing at Spring Lot Con 2024

May 4, 2024 davidkeener 0

I’ll be appearing at Comic Logic’s Spring Lot Con, which will be held in the parking lot of the Ashburn Village Shopping Center in Ashburn, VA. I’ll be there signing and selling books, along with fellow SF writer Martin Wilsey.

Ravencon 2024

RavenCon 2024 Schedule

April 16, 2024 davidkeener 0

What are YOU doing on April 26 – 28? Me, I’ll be livin’ it up at RavenCon 2024, an awesome SF/Fantasy convention being held in the Richmond area. Come see me at the con!!! I’ll be on panels, running a workshop, and selling/signing books.

Lone Survivor

Indie Writing Life: S1E6 – Launch Survivor

February 22, 2024 davidkeener 0

Welcome to Episode 6 of “Indie Writing Life,” my weekly series about my ongoing activities as an indie writer. This week: book launch prep, a progress report on my WIP, an initial outline for a new post-apocalyptic novel, critiques for my WIP, and reading a good book on book launches.