Invisible: Cast of Characters

I often do a Cast of Characters cheat sheet for my stories. Here’s the one for my upcoming novella, “Invisible” (this is a working title, so it will probably change later). This helps me keep some of the details of my characters straight. I’ve also been known to include some variation of this cast list as an extra in a book (Clash by Night comes to mind as a story where I did this).

A catastrophe has befallen the city of Mezepiki fourteen years before the story opens. An accidentally created magical vortex has devastated the center of the city, creating an area now known as the Shambles. There are survivors trapped in Shambles, which seems to go increasingly out-of-phase with reality the deeper you go. They call themselves the Malkuar, the Damned.

Only a few survivors who were caught at the edges have the freedom to move outside the Shambles. But to the rest of the city’s residents, they’re invisible. More than invisible, they are unseen, unheard, almost like ghosts haunting the city.

Now the rulers of the kingdom have come up with a plan to “fix” the Shambles, by destroying it…and all the survivors.

It’s up to Sander Grenfell to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Without further ado, here’s the Cast of Characters for the story:

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