Cosaturi: The Tween District and Map

Cosaturi District Map

Some of my Thousand Kingdoms fantasy stories are set in a gritty seaport called Cosaturi. The protagonist of Bitter Days, my latest story set in Cosaturi, features a homeless orphan girl named Pageeda growing up in the Tween, a rough and tumble district in the city’s Lowtown area.

A map and associated key for the Tween district were included in the print and ebook editions of the book. I’m pleased to present an expanded version of these materials for your enjoyment.

Additionally, a larger version is now available, set up in high-res and printable as a 17-inch by 22-inch black-and-white poster.

Cosaturi Map: The Tween District

Cosaturi District Map: The Tween

The Tween is an informal city district in Cosaturi’s Lowtown area, a vibrant, wedge-shaped neighborhood bounded by Sumber Street and Candle Street to the west and north, and Rowan Street to the south. The area is noted for being home to a multitude of Neferian refugees.

Map Key

  1. Malagovinah Watch Station
    The City Watch station responsible for policing the Tween. Guardsmen (and women) are known as “blackshirts” due to their black uniforms. The building is colloquially known as the “Briarpatch” (or just the “Patch”) because so many offenders taken there end up getting trapped by Cosaturi’s legally mandated “indenture” punishments. Guardsmen consider it the worst assignment location in the City Watch.
  2. Fisheye Pytor’s
    A “hole in the wall” seafood restaurant known for its fresh seafood, not its decor. One of a row of restaurants that collectively attracts a crowd of child beggars looking for handouts of coins or food.
  3. Akisma Market
    A bustling market area set up in a long open area between buildings, but which has also spread to nearby streets and alleys.
  4. Madame Zooey’s Emporium
    A large, family-run retail shop in the Akisma Market. Family connections with major shipping firms (and smugglers) ensure that the shop always has top goods, including exotic artifacts, arts/crafts, jewelry, spices, and more.
  5. Mawgi’s Inn
    An inn run by proprietor Indira Mawgi, a successful and influential businesswoman in the Tween with all sorts of contacts. The inn’s common room doubles as a popular pub and is often frequented by blackshirts.
  6. Moxin’s Smithy
    Moxin is widely considered the finest blacksmith in Lowtown, He, or his apprentices, perform all sorts of work. But his specialty is weaponry, particularly swords.
  7. Hestrian Grotto
    A popular cafe located in the Tween, run by proprietor Sinchron and occupying the lower level of a four-story tenement building. Sinchron and his family live on the floor right above the cafe.
  8. Temple Hill
    The highest hill in Lowtown, which has become the site of a massive compound constructed by the increasingly prominent Church of Turkos.
  9. Church of Turkos
    A religious organization that has become increasingly prominent and influential in Cosaturi over the last ten years, particularly with native Salasians. Since Church-sponsored mercenaries were largely responsible for the fall of Neferia, a nearby kingdom, and Lowtown has a large population of Neferian refugees, the Turkosians are not overly liked in this part of the city.
  10. Fever Bluff
    A sheer, rocky cliff on the western side of Temple Hill. Historically, plague victims were tossed off the cliff into a mass grave; hence the name, Fever Bluff.

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